Saturday, July 23, 2011

Smarty-Pants Smoothie: Gourds

Gourds are a very versatile little veggie. Follow this recipe to discover more about them.

PLANT the Seeds.

GROW them into this.

MAKE Musical Gourds (Shekere)
(directions from here.)
  1. Start by cleaning the surface of the gourds with soapy water and allow them to air dry. You can wipe them with rubbing alcohol to further ensure the surface dries completely.
  2. Place in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight, for about 1 week. The skin will begin to harden and change color. After a week, the outside of the gourd should be well dried.
  3. Move the gourds to a well-ventilated, dark area where they can remain for at least 6 months. Spread them in a single layer and be sure none of the gourds are touching each other. Allow for air flow under the gourds by placing them on a screen or vented surface. It may be easier to hang larger gourds for drying.
  4. Check your gourds every day or two and discard any that begin to decay, shrivel or get soft. If mold appears (2rd photo at right), see if you can wipe it off with a dry cloth or one dipped in bleach. If the gourd is still hard, it should be fine. Drying gourds is not a pretty process.
  5. Turn the fruit every couple of weeks, to dry evenly and prevent rotting.
  6. When the gourds become light and solidly hard and you can hear the seeds rattling inside when you shake them, they are ready for use. At this time you can carve, paint, wax, shellac or decorate your ornamental gourds any way you wish. Hard-shell gourds may still be rough or peeling (3rd photo at right) and can be smoothed and polished up with steel wool or fine sandpaper They should last indefinitely. 
(Note: This part of the process take 6 months! Consider buying pre-dried gourds.)

WATCH this video.

And this one.

LISTEN to this Ugumbo (Gourd and Bow) player.

READ this story, learn the history and sing the song.

FIND the Drinking Gourd (Big Dipper) in the night sky with google sky app.

Have Fun!

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