Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kye Kye Kule and More

Wow! Show season is (un)officially over. It still have one show left that was postponed. We have now moved on to our new lesson: Around the World in a Song. In this lesson, I am highlighting the song "Kye Kye Kule (pronounced che-che koo-lay), which is a classic Ghanaian children's song. I always love to dig up as much information as I can about the material I use. I wanted to find out what was the original language of this song and the meaning of its lyrics.

One long google search later, this is what I found:
- The lyrics don't mean much. They are nonsense words.
- Nobody knows what language the song is in because they are nonsense words and there are 79 languages in Ghana!

The best part of my search is that I rediscovered Smithsonian Folkways, a marvelous resource of folk music from around the world. I also found that they offer FREE courses on folk music and how to implement it into the classroom through iTunes U. Thank you! They also offer 1-week intensives with certification in world music pedagogy! That's so exciting!
(Anybody? Just me? Okay...)

If you're a teacher of any kind, I highly recommend Smithsonian Folkways as a must-have cultural resource. Check it out!


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