Saturday, December 17, 2011

Talking Pets

Just about a year ago we said goodbye to our dog, Louie, to move in our new townhouse. I know it sounds harsh, but I promise you, my kids didn't seem to care. At all. Especially because their buddies (another homeschooling family we know) were going to adopt him. He turned out to be the perfect fit for their family, so, end of story. Until recently...

I don't know if it's the holidays or what, but my oldest has been periodically sobbing over our not-so-long lost pup. So, what's a girl to do? I feel terrible. We can't get the dog back, and new a one will cost us the expense of the purchase + an extra $750 pet deposit at our townhouse community + an extra $50 a month in pet rent! It's just not gonna happen.

 So, here my options:

I love guinea pigs. But my boys are still young, so the maintenance could get a little...hairy

Aw, a bunny would be sweet, but can you train them not to poop on the floor?

Ordinarily cats give me the creeps, but my friend has a Birman like this one who may just change my my mind.

Pet hedgehogs? Who knew! It's weird and cute, we're weird and cute. Perfect match? Wait- illegal in California. Dang it!

The last option is a turtle. They live long and prosper with very little issue. But they seem kinda boring and they're creepy at certain angles.

So, anything thoughts? Thanks guys


photos found on pinterest.

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