Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Back!

I know. I've been away so long, I doubt anyone is even out there anymore. Nevertheless, I decided to come back. First, because I want my kids to be able to look back on all the cool stuff we did when they were growing up. Secondly, blogging is the best way to catalog on the cool stuff I find online. So, here we go- ROUND 2.
January is rolling around, so I'm re-evaluating our homeschool curriculum and plans.

Resolution #1: More Art & Making Cool Stuff

I found two new excellent blogs featuring fabulous ideas for process art (I'm currently obsessed with process art): the artful parent  and  tinkerlab

Plus, God bless this wonderful lady for posting her enchanting paper toys online to make for free!!
Have a lookee:

paper Frog

And I've been meaning to buy a Makedo kit for the boys for the longest time. Can you say Christmas presents?

FreePlay KIT for ONE (65pcs)
Well that's all for now, folks. See ya real soon


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