Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Artist Spotlight: Hap Palmer

Okay. I'm not going to lie. Hap kicks it old school. But, when it comes to educational music, Hap Palmer is king.
I've been using Hap Palmer's American folk-style songs in my music program since the beginning, and for good reason. His songs are simple, fun, and catchy- the perfect combination for using songs to teach concepts on everything from motor skills to Spanish and even division. Multi-award winning Hap has been writing and performing music for children since the 70s, so any song from Hap is tested and guaranteed to be a successful tool in the classroom or at home.
Last year, I was lucky enough to to take a workshop with Mr. Palmer and meet him face-to-face. What a sweet, humble man! After the workshop, I added even more of his hits to my repertoire.

Here are some of my favorites and the concepts they teach (available on iTunes):
Percival the Parrot (direction)
What do the Animals Say?  (practice listening)
Que Dicen Los Animales?  (the Spanish version of the song above)
What Are You Wearing? (self-esteem)
Magic Scarf (imagination)

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