Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Online Education from "A Beautiful Mess"

Hey Everyone,
I just have to take a moment show some love to one of my favorite bloggers on the web, Elsie, of A Beautiful Mess blog and the Red Velvet Shoppe. She is blogs about vintage wears, crafting, owning her own business, and life in general. What a breath of fresh air! She has the cutest ideas and she's truly an inspiring business woman.

Before I started this blog, I knew I had something I to share with the world, but I had absolutely no direction at all. Then I decided to take Elsie's online course, Blog Love, hoping to get something decent out of it.

Can I just tell you- that was the most value I've gotten out of $32 ever. Elsie was like a mama bird, gently guiding me on the path towards my goals. She's frankly honest about her own hits and misses throughout her personal and professional journey. She gave me thought-provoking questions to ask myself so that I could clearly determine the personality and direction of my blog. And she shared professional, practical advice on marketing, design, and getting started. The e-course is completely text, so you can take as long as you want on it and refer back to the information when needed.

If you have ever considered starting a blog or if you already have one, I highly recommend Elsie's course. She has other interesting courses too. As always, her daily blog is a daily dessert!

Go, Elsie, go!


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