Friday, June 24, 2011

Sightings: Dolls (and dollhouses) for Boys

Okay, If you're a blogaholic like me, you've probably already seen these mesmerizing dolls found by handmade charlotte:

When my boys got a glimpse of these, they went nuts over them! I told them that they were art, but they didn't get it. They wanted dolls I have never thought about dolls for my boys, but I loved the idea. Boy childhood's should be enchanted too.

It's been a tough search, but here's what I've found so far.

from Fadeeva via EandL's pinterest

I'll take one of each from manomine via dominie doig's pinterest

This little guy is a necklace! Buy him here from motley mutton.
I think I could make boy clothes for these dolls by Hazel Village

This charming collection from handmade romance. (Bearded Lady?!!!)
And this Sherlock and Watson set by The House of Mouse

A modern dollhouse found here.

And this modern dollhouse living room (with and Eames lounger?! What?!!) 

There is much, much more inspiration on pinterest and etsy, but I couldn't post it all. The whole search was visually stunning and enchanting, but all of these dolls &were quite pricey and/or had to be imported from afar and/or were not for sale at all. 

I think I might just try my hand at doll making! We shall see...

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